Tuesday Devotion - Loving Your Enemy 4/28

Inspired by our evening devotion time led by Aidan Raney

Illustrated by Miriam Raney

Have you ever been hurt by someone who has said something about you that was not true? I have. It does not feel good at all. The worst part about it though was that others starting saying the same things! I just wanted to run away and hide from them all...but I couldn't because it was recess time at my school. The strangest thing though was when we went back to class. Our teacher had prepared a quiz activity that our class was going to do with a partner. I quickly looked around to spot my trusted friend to pair up with when the teacher announced that she had picked our partners for us! Oh no...this was not good. I had been paired together with the very bully that had just 10 minutes earlier been calling me names and laughing hysterically at me on the playground. One of the more difficult things we may be faced with doing in life is to love someone who has hurt us. Let's talk about this today by using some Scriptures that Aidan has found for us and a storyline that Miriam has drawn for us.

Miriam's story (pictured) begins with some sisters that go for a walk with their parents. Sadly while they were away from the house, a robber broke in and stole for them. The good news is that the police did catch the thief and the things that were stolen were returned to the girls and their family. The thief had to go before a judge and he was put in jail as a punishment. The girls had so many emotions. At first they were afraid. Then they became angry that someone would steal from them. But as their parents prayed with them and they read what the Bible says about things like this, something happened inside their hearts. They felt a sadness for the thief...and actually felt a desire to pray for him and encourage him. So they decided to write a letter to him.

Exodus 23:4-5 “If you come across your enemy's ox or donkey wandering off, be sure to return it. If you see the donkey of someone who hates you fallen down under its load, do not leave it there; be sure you help them with it.”

The truth is that God does allow us to go through tough times. He doesn't just leave us alone in these tough times though, He is with us. He holds us when we are hurting. He also gives us a chance to take that hurt and trade it for freedom. Freedom from the chains of what the enemy wanted for us with all that hurt. Freedom in turning that hurt into something so powerful for Jesus! The girls in Miriam's storyline did just that. They turned their fear and anger through prayer into something that likely changed the thief's life forever. They showed him love...when he deserved something very different.

Proverbs 25:21-22 “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; If he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you."

This is not easy, but with God's help we can do it! It may take time and likely not happen instantly. But this glorifies God...and is such a great way to let your light shine. Take something negative and turn it positive! It's going to take some practice and prayer...but you can do it!

That day in the classroom working with that bully was not my favorite when I was a boy. Funny thing though, at recess the next day, he picked me first for the game of kickball! I was so surprised and amazed at how God worked it out!

Coach Matt


Vulnerability: Leaning On Jesus


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