Daily Devotion - Grace For Peter

Many of us know the story of Peter denying Jesus before his death. It is a story that teaches us so many lessons about making sure that we always stand strong in our faith, even if it is not easy. However, often it is easier said than done. There is another story that is very similar that can teach us another important lesson as well!

Read John 21:15-18

I would assume that after Peter denied Jesus three times, he felt terrible on the inside. The man he had been following, learning from and developing a friendship with had just died a horrible death. To pair with that, Peter had denied his friendship not once, not twice, but three times. He must have felt absolutely terrible and had immense guilt in his heart. Have you ever felt this way about something? That there is no way that Jesus would forgive you for a sin that you committed because it was so bad. Well I know Peter felt that way, because this sin was so personal to him.

Yet we read in read in John Chapter 21:15-18 that when Jesus resurrected from the grave, He offers Peter a second chance. He offers him grace, another opportunity to show that Peter was committed to Him. He asks not once, not twice, but three times whether Peter loves Him. It is so beautiful because even after enduring the pain that Jesus did, He wasn’t focused on the sin, He was focused on offering Peter grace and a second chance. And it doesn’t stop there!! Each time Peter answered “Yes”, Jesus commanded him to do something. 1) Feed my lambs. 2) Take care of my sheep. 3) Feed my sheep. This is so important for each of us to understand. There is no sin so personal, so deep, so hurtful that Jesus won’t offer us grace. It does not mean we can go around sinning all of the time; however, it does mean that Jesus will always give us a second chance! We don’t have to live in guilt, in pain or in fear. Jesus sets us free from that if we ask. And with that second chance, He commands us to stand strong and serve His people (1 Cor 15:58)! So, my challenge for you is think deeply about any sin that you might feel really upset and hurt about. If you haven’t already, give it to Jesus completely because just like Peter, He wants to give YOU a second chance. It will be such a freeing feeling and I know You will be forever changed, much like Peter!

Coach Kieren


Tuesday Devotion - Loving Your Enemy 4/28


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