Daily Devotion 19 - One Moment Can Change Everything

If you have been to one of our Adventure Soccer camps or perhaps heard me share at an event, you have quite possibly heard the story of “The Rusty Bolt.” The story took place in a rural sugar cane village in Swaziland in 2010. We had mobilized with our very first team of volunteers quite certain that God had led us to share the hope of Jesus with these kids in this place. We had run multiple soccer camps and were really enjoying the time with the kids. But God uses single moments to show us things in order to stir our hearts...in order to bring about change. It is a wonderful thing how God uses all of us to carry out His desires. This story is one of those moments in time.

How is God stirring you? And what are you doing about it? Tough questions...we will come back to them soon!

Most of our team was busy after the soccer camp working on the church. Kids had gathered and were hauling river sand to make lines at the church in hopes of having a real soccer match. For many of these kids, our soccer camp was the first time that they had ever kicked a real soccer ball...and they were inspired to do more because they were having so much fun playing. It was during this time that Miss Kymm was approached by these kids (pictured). We had not seen them before. It was our first interaction with a very special portion of the population in Swaziland. These kids were from an orphan led home. This title is reserved for kids living on their own without parents where the head of the household (the oldest) is age 12 or under. These kids were orphans living alone. And by the look on their faces and the clothing they were wearing, their lives were pretty tough. They had heard the sounds of joy and laughter coming from the church..and they set out to investigate. They were very hungry because it had been days since their last meal.

As they approached Miss Kymm to ask for food, she noticed the oldest with a baby on her back. A young baby. But it was the middle child that burned in her mind. She was very afraid. To manage her anxiety, she was chewing on an old rusty bolt that she held in her hand. Her fingernails were gone, and this was her way of managing her fear. They were asking for help.

God used this moment to stir Miss Kymm. In fact, she responded to that stirring by organizing food for all the kids in the communities we were holding soccer camp for. Even the kids that didn't participate in the camp could come to get a meal. That led to the beginning of something quite special. Our teams began to start building Orphan Feeding Centers across the country...that still operate today in 2020! A beautiful example of God showing, God stirring...to bring about what He desires.

So how is God stirring you? And what are you doing about it?

It does not have to be something on the other side of the world. It can be anything! Some kids are helping neighbors that they have seen struggling. Some are pulling weeds in their yards or even pulling their garbage cans out for them on garbage days. Others are making drawings for older people who live in homes and cannot have visits right now. It is so important to pay attention to how God stirs you...and do something about it. You might just stumble on an amazing job that God has hand picked especially for you!

Coach Matt
*Please comment and attach a photo of ways that your kids are serving others so we can cheer you on!


Daily Devotion - Grace For Peter


Daily Devotion 18 - Who is this man? It's not who you think!