A message from our Local Director

I have officially been on staff at Adventure Soccer for over a year now, and the truth is that it has been a year of ups and downs. The highs have been extremely high and the lows have seemed insurmountable. However, the Lord has been faithful and He has made a way past every roadblock and brought so much joy to hurting communities. Over the past year I have worked hard to organize and define what the Local Ministry of Adventure Soccer should look like and how it can be most effective. We have spent so much time in prayer, and the Lord has provided us with a format that is working unbelievably well.

Throughout 2018, Adventure Soccer has been partnering with communities to provide free soccer outreaches to at-risk youth in hurting areas. The three main areas that the Local Mission focuses on are children influenced by gang-activityas and drug-use, as well as kids entering the state foster system. The Lord has laid it on my heart to provide this demographic of children with an outlet to escape the hurting situations they are in. We use our local outreaches as a tool to share the gospel and connect these children to programs that will help them succeed and grow past the circumstances that can hold them down. Currently our partnerships range from local churches, YMCA’s, police departments, other non-profits and countless local businesses. The goal is to start to change the tide of where our youth are headed and connect them to people and organizations that care about their futures.

Our 2018 outreach schedule is not finished; however it has been full of so many incredible highlights thus far. Not only has each outreach been well attended at the event, but we have seen attendance skyrocket at after-school programs once we have left. What an incredible victory for the Kingdom. At the Sultan Outreach, 5 new kids and 2 families started to attend the church consistently after one of outreaches. In Marysville, we had many of the kids attend kids church the week after camp. In Yakima, we had countless kids accept Jesus into their hearts on the 2nd day of camp and choose to live their lives in a way that honored him. On Casino Road, we partnered with Hand in Hand to provide a free soccer camp and meal to over 200+ people. God is working in these locations and many others that we have entered!

I feel so humbled that the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to speak into the lives of so many children. We are consistently chasing after His plans for the mission of Adventure Soccer and know that God has something special in store as we continue to reach more people with the message of Hope.

If you are interested in learning more about our local mission, please feel free to email me @ kierenraney@adventuresoccer.org . If you feel moved to give, please donate to our Local Mission. We are expanding so fast and the funds are much needed to continue! God Bless


A Letter From A Local & Global Servant -Alliane Glenn


A short-story from our President