A Letter From A Local & Global Servant -Alliane Glenn

For the last five years, I have been given the opportunity to serve with Adventure Soccer along with many others at a variety of different local events. Many of these events include summer soccer camps, outreaches, foster family nights, the mud & muck run, and much more. In 2015, I was introduced to Adventure Soccer through Matt Raney, as he came to speak in my leadership class about different fundraising strategies for our current fundraiser at the time. I grew a huge interest in learning more about the mission of Adventure Soccer and eventually found myself out in Snohomish with a group of people ready to serve God and the community around us. Our mission of providing hope to at risk children through Christ and the game of soccer has impacted not only my life, but many others as well. By being actively involved with this organization, I have been able to create lifelong relationships with many friends but also regain my relationship with God; not only has the Raney family given me this opportunity but the children that attend these camps have as well. The children that attend these camps have also grown with their faith, which I have been able to watch, as many decide to keep attending more camps. Watching the growth of each kid that walks onto our field, spiritually and as a person, is definitely a highlight of mine for each camp. I also see the dedication towards God and personal growth within each child. This could be one of the most rewarding things; having the ability to witness children that have gone through stuff you could never imagine happening to someone at that age and them pouring their heart out to themselves and others. A little over a year ago during summer camps, I was the coach of a group of 12 year old girls, who showed characteristics that I didn’t even ask from them. During each summer camp we have an activity that includes everyone, even the coaches, called Man City runs. Each team is required to create a celebratory run and perform it in front of judges, who then decide the winner. The amount of support and sportsmanship they showed towards each and every team warmed my heart, mainly because I did not ask them to do what they did. I see this type of behavior all the time through kids who join Adventure Soccer and it is truly a blessing to witness these types of actions towards others. I recently moved away for my freshman year of college and being away from the Adventure Soccer organization has definitely felt weird. I have found ways to stay in touch with what goes on and to hear about experiences that others have had or witnessed. There is so much that Adventure Soccer offers locally and globally to those in need and provides many opportunities for others to help these communities. I love watching this organization grow as more and more children become involved, and the help from you allows us to make this happen. I know that God has plans for me within this organization and can’t wait to see where he places me.


Would you tell your story? -By Bobby McLaughlin


A message from our Local Director