Daily Devotion 13 - Jesus & The Miraculous Catch

John Chapter 21 is worth the read....trust me! It is such an incredible scene that unfolds. I really think Miriam captured it so well in her drawing today. There are so many angles to reflect on in this great story...but today we are going to focus on just one. Only Jesus knew what was ahead for the fishermen. Only Jesus knew what was under the water on the other side of the boat. And only Jesus knows what is next for us as well!

Peter and some of the other disciples were trying to figure things out. After all that they had witnessed in the last week with Christ's arrest, death and resurrection, I am certain that they were struggling to understand it all. I am guessing that “going fishing” sounded like a good way to clear up there minds. Nice fresh air out on the water in the sun. Some fish to enjoy for dinner! Such a good idea given all that they had been through.

Here is the idea I want to challenge each of us with today. Jesus called from shore...this after a night of fishing that produced nothing. The guys were tired, if not exhausted. The last thing they wanted to do was to pick up those wet, stinky and heavy nets to pitch them over to the other side. But they did! They put the work into it without knowing for sure if they would catch even a single fish. And by putting the work into it without knowing for sure (that's called FAITH), Jesus performed a miracle right before their eyes. In fact, there were too many fish for even their nets to pull in.

Let's keep putting the work in and BELIEVE that something great is on the horizon. We may not be able to see it right now, but Jesus knows. And if we don't put the work in right now, we may rob ourselves of that miraculous moment when God moves in our lives. Can you imagine if Peter and the others would have just given up? They would have missed out on the miraculous catch!

So friends, keep putting the work in at home! Keep reading. Keep doing school work & math problems. Keep helping with the chores & jobs around the house. Keep praying for Mom & Dad. Keep working on getting along with your siblings. And know that Jesus knows what is on the horizon...and that it is enough that He knows...and we are willing to put the work in and wait for what He has for us on the other side. I am praying for you today!

Make today great! Coach Matt


Daily Devotion 18 - Who is this man? It's not who you think!


Daily Devotion 12 - Bravery