Daily Devotion 4

Day #4 “Casting Stones”

Miriam's drawing comes from a scene in John 7:53 that unfolds as the Jewish leaders and the Pharisees continue to be divided over who Jesus is. It was a burning question that everyone in the area was asking each other. In fact, it is a good idea for each of us to decide “who Jesus is” as well.

Is Jesus someone in ancient times that did all of these amazing miracles? Is Jesus a healer? A protector? A Savior? What does that even mean?

Well these are some of the things all of these people are wrestling with that was causing so much confusion. They knew very well what they had been taught from a young age and what they were supposed to believe. But Jesus kept confusing them. They likely kept running into the blind man around town that Jesus healed. Maybe even encountering people who were in the thousands who ate together when Jesus multiplied the fish & loaves. They had probably even heard that many Samaritans were now believing He was God's son after Jesus talked to the woman at the well. They were confused because Jews were not supposed to talk to Samaritans. And now this moment from our picture...

Jesus took a moment that was clear to the Jewish people, and He caused them to think. This woman was caught with someone elses husband. Bad, bad, bad! In fact, so bad that way back when Moses was giving instructions to the people, he told them to “stone such women.” But Jesus wanted to use this moment to teach something new. I hope you will take the time to read John 7:53 – 8:11. Everyone that day learned the perfect blend of God's perfect GRACE & TRUTH. Grace & Truth!

Jesus is the perfect representation of both of these...together. The truth of the matter was that this woman broke God's law and sinned. She had sinned against this man, the man's wife, and against God. She deserved to be punished. Jesus reminded each of the men that had lined up to cast stones on her for punishment that they had sin in their lives too...that was deserving of punishment. That realization that they had done bad things as well, caused them to stop looking at the woman...and start to look at themselves. We should do the same. It is so easy to look at others and point out things. It is much more difficult to look at ourselves. Now that doesn't mean that there isn't a right & wrong...there definitely is. And it is our job to do our best to stay in the right...and ask God (and people) for forgiveness when we do wrong and sin against them. God cares deeply about TRUTH.

God also cares about GRACE. And He gives us a great example of how He connects them. In the story, the woman is saved from the men who were ready to cast the stones. One by one, they dropped their rocks and walked away because they understood what Jesus was teaching them. And then Jesus does something amazing...He connects the two...GRACE & TRUTH. He says to her “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Don't skip over this amazing part! Jesus is forgiving her and asking her to change by giving her a second chance. I love this part! Jesus showed her GRACE while reminding her of the TRUTH. Jesus never separates the two. He forgives us & asks us to change too. Let's accept His amazing GRACE today and work hard to walk in His TRUTH! Make today a day that we walk in His TRUTH & a day that is filled with GRACE for others. Resist the urge to separate them from each other...GRACE & TRUTH!

Coach Matt


Daily Devotion 7: Walking On Water


Daily Devotion 1: The Story of Ruth