Update from our Executive Director

We have been working hard in Swaziland, Africa since 2010.  Offering options for orphans & vulnerable children to have a free meal, cultivating clean water options for villages, even spearheading community gardens that train young people in how best to plant & raise healthy produce.  Our education efforts have been steadfast in pointing kids to their studies which poise them to break the cycle of poverty & focus on a bright future.  Sports ministry has also played a key role in inserting trustworthy adult figures in the lives of these kids.  God has been so faithful in bringing this effort to where it is today!

Now...we turn our attention to home.  There is an abundance of hurt, trouble & turmoil in far too many homes here in our communities.  We are mobilizing to do something about it.  Adventure Soccer has organized a grouping of outreach events to specifically go after youth at risk of joining gangs, kids overwhelmed by drug activity in their communities and areas with high numbers of kids entering foster care.  These events are designed to connect kids to positive activities in their neighborhoods...sports teams, after school tutoring help, church youth groups, etc...

We are hopeful you will join us in prayer for this campaign.  We know from our experiences in Africa that kids come alive with hope.  We are believing that the same is true at home.  Please stay up to date on our website www.adventuresoccer.org as to how you can become involved & support this effort.


Update from our Executive Director